The blog of natuRable #2 【What is the SDG】

Hello :) This is the second blog of natuRable.


Have you already checked it out? If not yet, please check it out! We introduced ourselves in last blog.


Today, we will write about Sustainable Development Goals, called ‘SDGs


Before that, Tota is in charge of today's blog. I have been to the FSM once time, and I am big fun of it.


I love nature and sea, and I am majoring in development economics and environment economics. I hope there is a way to both the protection of the environment and economy development. I am studying that now.



Me at College of Micronesia. So Cool.


Today I will share about the SDGs with you because it is gathering attention from around the world. 


〈What is the SDGs

The Sustainable Development Goals were adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015 as a universal call to action to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity by 2030.


It is aiming No one will be left behind. Nowadays, many people are suffering from something such as poverty, climate change, or gender issues. It consist of 17 goals, and 169 targets. 

① No Poverty

② Zero Hunger

③ Good Health And Well-Being

④ Quality Education

⑤ Gender Equality

⑥ Clean Water And Sanitation

⑦ Affordable And Clean Energy

⑧ Decent Work And Economic Growth

⑨ Industry, Innovation And Infrastructure

By buying these, people who fish come to keep the rules.

⑪ Sustainable Cities And Communities

⑫ Responsible Consumption And Production

⑬ Climate Action

⑭ Life Bellow Water

⑮ Life On Land

⑯ Peace Justice And Strong Institutions

⑰ Partnerships For The Goals




As described, we are facing these issues, and have to work on them.


The point is action in one area will affect outcomes in others, and that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability.


For example, when individuals throw garbage away to the land or the sea, they may do harm to the resources. Look at the figure of NASA's data.




We understand that garbage has a property of gathering some particular areas, so our bad behavior such as littering may damage to other country resources. This is just understandableexample, but in Globalization, this idea, which one will affect others have to think seriously.


Plus, the SDGs says that development must balance social, economic, and environmental sustainability.


For example, in 1970s of Japan, a pollution issues such as Minama disease, went around. People were getting sick because of industrial wastewater, therefore the companies missed effects of economic growth to the environment. 

This is the example that we have to keep the balance, social, economic, and the environment.


Today, I mentioned about what the SDGs is. The basic ideas are, one will affect others, and keeping the balance.


It is very difficult, that is why all of people have to think and take actions. For people are suffering, and no one will be left behind.


Thank you for reading. Next week, our new member is going to write third blog. Look formard!


If you have any question or requests, please feel free to comment.


See you :) 🇫🇲🇯🇵